
Ultime notizie

La prima International Academy in Asia ha aperto le iscrizioni per la coorte 2025
La Apple Developer Academy dell'Università di Napoli Federico II è lieta di annunciare la Future Fair 2024, la nostra giornata di presentazione delle carriere e delle applicazioni. 300 studenti, provenienti da tutto il mondo, presenteranno i loro lavori e saranno disponibili per colloqui di lavoro.
Selection of 20 students to be admitted to the ARTE (Advanced Research Track Experience) Programme at Apple Developer Academy
Selection of 40 students to be admitted to the PIER Programme at Apple Developer Academy
La Apple Developer Academy lancia la call for students per l’a.a. 2024/2025.
Federico II Apple Foundation Program 2023 This University announces a selection of up to 180 Federico II students to be admitted to the Federico II Apple Foundation Program. The Foundation Program is a short term, challenge-based class designed to provide the opportunity to aspiring world-class developers
Federico II Apple Foundation Program 2023 This University announces a selection of up to 120 Federico II students to be admitted to the Federico II Apple Foundation Program. The Foundation Program is a short term, challenge-based class designed to provide the opportunity to aspiring world-class developers
The Alumni Board for the year 2023/2024.
Selection of 60 students to be admitted to the PIER Programme at Apple Developer Academy
The University of Naples Federico II’s Apple Developer Academy is pleased to announce the Future Fair 2023, our career and app presentation day. To celebrate the end of the Academy year 2022/2023, more than 300 students, coming from all over the world, will present their work