Apple Developer Academy

Federico II Apple Foundation Program 2022/2023

This University announces a selection of up to 180 students to be admitted to the Federico II Apple Foundation Program, 2022/2023 academic year, 2023 cycles (third, fourth and fifth). The seats will be divided into three cohorts. Each cohort is composed of 60 students. The Foundation Program is a short term, challenge-based class designed to provide the opportunity to aspiring world-class developers to experience Apple’s learning framework in order to design iOS app prototypes. The Foundation Program will be carried out in several batches over the year, and each batch will consist of at least 60 participants. The Foundation Program can be followed by Federico II University active students from various backgrounds. Coding skills are not required. Candidates from tech, design or other fields of expertise are welcome to apply. The present selection refers to the academic year 2022/2023.

Published: 14/12/2022. Deadline: 27/01/2023.


14 Dicembre 2022

Apple Foundation Program 2022-2023

Federico II Apple Foundation Program, 2022/2023 academic year, 2023 cycles (third, fourth and fifth).

Apple Developer Academy

Logo design contest – Alumni Program of the Apple Developer Academy @ University of Napoli Federico II

The Alumni Community of the Apple Developer Academy @Unina Federico II is looking for a logo which will identify the community and will be used in communications regarding the initiatives organised within the framework of the Alumni Program.

The purpose of this contest is to design a logo to be used by the Alumni Community. The design of the logo should reflect the values of the Alumni Community and should use a palette of colours specified in the official documents.


  • The contest is open to all Alumni (graduated students) of Apple Developer Academy @Unina Federico II.
  • The contest is not open to current students (2022/2023).
  • Contestants are allowed to work and compete in groups (maximum 3 people).

Submission deadline: 16th of November 2022

Deadline extended: 30th of November 2022


Results – Winner submission

Author: Anna Arini

Results – Honourable mentions

Dear contestants, we want to extend big congratulations to each participant in the logo design contest, thanks for taking the time to submit your amazing designs.

The talent, effort, and creativity displayed in each submission were truly impressive and made the selection process very tough. Although only one winner could be chosen, we want to acknowledge the talent and hard work of all participants: please know that your participation and efforts have been very appreciated, valued and your designs were all worthy of recognition.

Stay tuned for other amazing things from the Alumni Program!

18 Ottobre 2022

Logo design contest – Alumni Program of the Apple Developer Academy @ University of Napoli Federico II

The Alumni Community of the Apple Developer Academy is looking for a logo.

Apple Developer Academy

Federico II Apple Foundation Program 2022/2023

This University announces a selection of up to 120 students to be admitted to the Federico II Apple Foundation Program. The seats will be divided into two cohorts. Each cohort is composed of 60 students. The Foundation Program is a short term, challenge-based class designed to provide the opportunity to aspiring world-class developers to experience Apple’s learning framework in order to design iOS app prototypes. The Foundation Program will be carried out in several batches over the year, and each batch will consist of at least 60 participants. The Foundation Program can be followed by Federico II University active students from various backgrounds. Coding skills are not required. Candidates from tech, design or other fields of expertise are welcome to apply. The present selection refers to the academic year 2022/2023.

Published: 06/09/2022. Deadline: 30/09/2022.


6 Settembre 2022

Federico II Apple Foundation Program 2022/2023

120 students to be admitted to the Federico II Apple Foundation Program. Deadline extended to September 30th.

Apple Developer Academy

The official starting date 2022/2023

The official starting date for the Academy is September 20th. Though, for those of you who are already in town, you can come to the Academy and get your kit before that date. To the purpose, we have scheduled three days for kit delivery, with two slots per day, as per the following calendar:

1. Wednesday 14th:

  • first slot: between 11am and 1pm;
  • second slot: between 2 pm and 4 pm

2. Thursday 15th:

  • first slot: between 11am and 1pm;
  • second slot: between 2 pm and 4 pm

3. Friday 16th:

  • first slot: between 11am and 1pm;
  • second slot: between 2 pm and 4 pm

You can arrive at the Academy (Corso Nicolangelo Protopisani 70, 80146 Napoli NA – Italy) one of the above slots in order to receive and sign for your Academy use devices.

31 Agosto 2022

The official starting date 2022/2023

The official starting date for the Academy is September 20th.

Apple Developer Academy

Federico II Apple Foundation Program – Call for Students

The Developer Academy è una collaborazione tra Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II e Apple per offrire una esperienza formativa nel campo dello sviluppo di nuove applicazioni e servizi digitali. I corsi di studio della Developer Academy sono tutti basati sulla tecnica denominata Challenge Based Learning (CBL), un approccio multidisciplinare all’insegnamento che incoraggia gli studenti a riflettere su tecnologie di uso comune per risolvere problemi concreti. CBL significa collaborazione e pratica quotidiana, con studenti che lavorano fianco a fianco con altri studenti, insegnanti ed esperti nelle rispettive comunità in tutto il mondo allo scopo di affinare una conoscenza più profonda del loro oggetto di studio accettando e risolvendo sfide, condividendo la propria esperienza e inserendosi in una discussione mondiale su problematiche importanti.

In questo contesto, il Foundation Program è un corso di studio breve basato sul metodo CBL e progettato per consentire ad aspiranti sviluppatori di livello mondiale la possibilità di prototipare app iOS. Il Foundation Program si articolerà in varie finestre durante l’anno, ciascuna delle quali accoglierà 60 partecipanti. Il Foundation Program può essere seguito da studenti attivi iscritti a qualsiasi corso di laurea della Federico II. Non sono richieste capacità di programmazione. Sono benvenuti tutti i candidati, non importa quale sia il background di esperienze.

Data di pubblicazione: 05/04/2022. Scadenza: 22/04/2022.


5 Aprile 2022

Federico II Apple Foundation Program 2021/2022

Il Foundation Program è un corso di studio breve basato sul metodo CBL e progettato per consentire ad aspiranti sviluppatori di livello mondiale la possibilità di prototipare app iOS.

Apple Developer Academy

The Pier + 2021/2022 Call for Students no. 2

La Apple Developer Academy sta reclutando, tra i diplomati Academy, 12 professionisti da inserire nel programma The Pier. Come membro del The Pier avrai l’opportunità di lavorare per circa un anno a progetti in collaborazione con stakeholder esterni, sviluppando ulteriormente le tue capacità e portandole a un livello superiore. Avrai inoltre accesso a numerose opportunità di arricchimento del tuo CV dato che il programma The Pier vanta numerose importanti collaborazioni, tra cui ONG internazionali.

Publication date: 28/10/2021. Deadline: 10/11/2021.



28 Ottobre 2021

The Pier + 2021/2022 Call for Students no. 2

La Academy organizza per l’anno accademico 2021/2022 un percorso formativo denominato The Pier +.