Federico II Apple Foundation Program – Call for Students
The Developer Academy is a joint initiative between the Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II and Apple for the training in the development of new applications and digital services. Developer Academy classes are all based on a novel technique known as Challenge Based Learning (CBL), a multidisciplinary approach to teaching and learning that encourages students to leverage the technology they use in their daily lives to solve real-world problems. CBL is collaborative and hands- on, asking students to work with other students, their teachers, and experts in their communities and around the world to develop deeper knowledge of the subjects they are studying, accept and solve challenges, take action, share their experience, and enter into a global discussion about important issues.
In the above-mentioned framework, the Foundation Program is a short term, challenge-based class designed to provide the opportunity to aspiring world-class developers to experience Apple’s learning framework in order to design iOS app prototypes. The Foundation Program will be carried out in several batches over the year, and each batch will consist of at least 60 participants. The Foundation Program can be followed by Federico II University active students from various backgrounds. Coding skills are not required. Candidates from tech, design or other fields of expertise are welcome to apply.
Publication date: 05/04/2022. Deadline: 22/04/2022.
Federico II Apple Foundation Program 2021/2022
The Foundation Program is a short term, challenge-based class designed to provide the opportunity to aspiring world-class developers to experience Apple’s learning framework.