Apple Developer Academy

The Pier + 2021/2022 Call for Students no. 2

The Apple Developer Academy is recruiting up to 12 professionals, from previous Academy graduates, to be part of the Pier programme. As a Pier member, you will have the chance to work on projects throughout the year with external stakeholders, enabling you to further develop your skills and take them to the next level. In addition, you will have access to several opportunities to improve your CV and develop your career in a chosen path. The Pier has strong relationships with third parties, including NGO organisations, and local community organisations, so during your stay, you will be contributing to at least one of them.

Publication date: 28/10/2021. Deadline: 10/11/2021.



28 October 2021

The Pier + 2021/2022 Call for Students no. 2

The Academy organizes, for the academic year 2021/2022, an education path: The Pier +.

Apple Developer Academy

The Pier 2020/2021 Call for Students

The Academy organizes, for the academic year 2020/2021, an education path called The Pier.

Publication date: 15/05/2020. Deadline: 24/05/2020.


15 May 2020

The Pier 2020/2021 Call for Students

The Pier 2020/2021 Call for Students The Academy organizes, for the academic year 2020/2021, an education path called The Pier. Publication date: 15/05/2020. Deadline: 24/05/2020. Call for Students Annex A Application Form Updates Final ranking