2024 Elections of the Board for the Alumni Program of the Apple Developer Academy @ University of Napoli Federico II

Apple Developer Academy

2024 Elections of the Board for the Alumni Program of the Apple Developer Academy @ University of Napoli Federico II

The Alumni Program of the Apple Developer Academy @ University of Napoli Federico II is an initiative to improve the  connection of our former students with the School. The Program will organise events, seminars, discussions among the  students and will focus on supporting the professional growth of our alumni. To ensure the widest participation and  openness, the Program will be managed by the Developer Academy in cooperation with a Board.

The Alumni Board is elected annually for the duration of 1 year. Elections are held at the end of the academic year within  the Apple Developer Academy program.

The Alumni Board for the year 2024/2025 is constituted of 7 seats: 4  representing the regular Developer Academy Program, 1 representing the Pier Program of the current academic  year and 2 representing all former students. 

Elections are open on-site to 2023/2024 Apple Developer Academy students and Pier students only. 

Elections are open online to all former students only.

Elections timelines 

Online Elections (Only former students) 

  • Application for candidacy: deadline Thursday, May 23rd 2024 at 16:00
  • List of candidates published: May 24th 2024
  • Airtable Voting: From Tuesday, May 28th to Thursday, May 30th 2024, until 15:00
  • Results published: Friday, May 31st 2024

On-Site Elections (Only current Academy and Pier students) 

  • Application for candidacy: deadline Monday, May 27th 2024 at 16:00 (for both cohorts)
  • List of candidates published: May 27th 2024
  • On-Site voting: Thursday, May 30th 2024 from 11:00 to 16:00 (for both cohorts)
  • Results published: Friday, May 31st 2024



The list of candidates and the final election results will be published as updates to this post: